Call for participation: Methods session at IMISCOE 2018 (July 2‐4, Barcelona)

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The IMISCOE network recently published the CfP for its next annual conference which will take place
in Barcelona from July 2 to 4, 2018 (for details see:
745‐imiscoe‐annual‐conference‐2018‐call‐for‐papers‐panels‐and‐workshops). The IMISCOE
event is one of Europe’s major international conferences dedicated to migration research; the 2017
conference in Rotterdam featured 128 sessions on a broad range of topics. IMISCOE requires
prospective panel chairs to include participating papers in their proposal; therefore, we invite
scholars interested in migration‐related research methodology to join us in the endeavour of
launching a session dedicated specifically to methodological issues.
We believe that such a session serves the important goal of fostering a dialogue between migration
scholars and experts in research methodology. Migration research faces numerous methodological
challenges which often require the adaption of established approaches or even the development of
plainly innovative solutions; this is true both of quantitative and qualitative research techniques.
However, methodological issues tend not to feature prominently on the migration‐research agenda;
rather often than not, they are treated as dispensable fine‐print. Our planned panel aims to
strengthen the discussion of methodological issues in the field and foster that much‐needed
If you would like to participate in the session, please send us a short abstract of your paper (approx.
250 words) by November 30, 2017. We welcome contributions on all kinds of methodological issues,
including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. We will review all proposals swiftly and select
those that we deem most promising; in case we should not be able to include your paper in the
coordinated session, we would let you know in a timely manner, thus preserving the option for you
to send IMISCOE an individual paper proposal.
To prevent any misunderstandings, please note that the inclusion of your paper in our proposal does
not automatically mean that IMISCOE shall include the proposed panel in the conference programme!
If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an email.
Steffen Pötzschke, GESIS ‐ Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences,
Sebastian Rinken, IESA‐CSIC (Institute for Advanced Social Studies, Spanish Research Council),