Seminario en el IESA, Stanley Presser

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El viernes 24 de abril, Stanley Presser, profesor de la Universidad de Maryland, impartirá un seminario -en inglés- en el IESA a las 12:30 en el salón de actos

Presser ha titulado su ponencia Data Collection versus Data Construction: How Methodological Factors Shape the Conclusions Drawn from Sample Surveys y nos ha dejado el siguiente resumen.


Although social scientists routinely talk about “data collection,” data are not collected, they are constructed.  As a result, data have no meaning independent of the methods used to construct them.  I develop this argument and provide two examples showing its usefulness for the interpretation of well-known puzzles.  The first example — from Putnam’s Bowling Alone – concerns the increase over time in survey estimates of volunteering in the United States, which is counter to the declines shown by other measures of social capital.  The second example — from the sociology of religion — concerns the surprising stability of survey measures of church attendance in the United States during a time when secularization has gained force.