Call for papers The American Sociologist

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Call for papers The American Sociologist

From Montesquieu to Piketty, French intellectuals have largely inspired American academics. This is particularly true of sociology, where scholars such as Durkheim and Bourdieu have a consequent influence on contemporary research.

Yet, partly because of the language barrier, French sociology takes time to travel to the other side of the Atlantic. In order to answer this time The American Sociologist seeks to publish a special issue about the present situation and future prospects of sociology in France, including both academic and applied/public aspects. This includes the position of sociology in academia (not only among the social sciences but also regarding the scientific enterprise as a whole), its reception (both in the scientific community and in the general society), as well as its associations, curriculas, and funding sources. This special issue would also be an opportunity to present the state of a particular branch of sociology in France (such as the sociology of science, of deviance, etc.), or the current debates and production in an influential French school of thought (Field Theory, Actor-Network Theory, etc.).

Interested authors are invited to submit their abstract to Julien Larregue ( by December 30, 2015.

Deadline to submit paper proposal: Dec 30, 2015

Deadline to submit final paper: May 30, 2016

Approximate date of publication : end of 2016

Main Editor : Lawrence Nichols, West Virginia University

Special Issue Guest Editor : Julien Larregue, Aix-Marseille University