GRITIM-UPF is willing to support one candidate to apply for the Juan de la Cierva Formación Grant or Juan de la Cierva Incorporación Grant.

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GRITIM-UPF is willing to support one candidate to apply for the  Juan de la Cierva Formación Grant or  Juan de la Cierva Incorporación Grant. If selected by GRITIM-UPF to be supported, the candidate will submit his/her application to the grant organizing institution (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) – deadline: 8  th of February, 2016. If The Ministery grants the candidate, he/she will be involved within GRITIM-UPF activities, and will carry out her/his own research programme.

The fellowship is for two years and some hours of teaching might be required.

If you are interested in getting our support for this call, you should send:

  • A complete CV
  • A letter of motivation (describing research expertise and teaching availabilities)
  • Recent publications in pdf (at least one will be appreciated)
  • A reference letter (optional)

Please, send your applications to Zenia Hellgren (, GRITIM-UPF coordinator,  by the 11  th of January, 2016. The decision about who will the group support will be communicated by the 18  th of January, 2016.

. If selected by GRITIM-UPF to be supported, the candidate will submit his/her application to the grant organizing institution (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) – deadline: 8  th of February, 2016. If The Ministery grants the candidate, he/she will be involved within GRITIM-UPF activities, and will carry out her/his own research programme.

The fellowship is for two years and some hours of teaching might be required.

If you are interested in getting our support for this call, you should send:

  • A complete CV
  • A letter of motivation (describing research expertise and teaching availabilities)
  • Recent publications in pdf (at least one will be appreciated)
  • A reference letter (optional)

Please, send your applications to Zenia Hellgren (, GRITIM-UPF coordinator,  by the 11  th of January, 2016. The decision about who will the group support will be communicated by the 18  th of January, 2016.