2 Assistant Professors in Sociology (Utrecht Univ)

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Call – 2 Assistant Professors in Sociology (Utrecht Univ)

Deadline: 11 January 2016

The department of Sociology at Utrecht University searches for 2 Assistant Professors in Sociology (1,0 FTE)

Job description

The two assistant professors will be working in the Department of Sociology.

The department has strong research traditions in a wide range of topics in sociology including cooperation problems, social networks, stratification and inequality, families and work, and ethnic relations.

The department is part of the Dutch research school Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS). We teach a bachelor programme in sociology and two master programs: the one-year master: “Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems” and a two-year research master Sociology and Social Research.

Both positions span 60% teaching and 40% research time. Teaching will take place mostly in the bachelor and in the one-year master.


  • A Ph.D in Sociology or a closely related field, e.g., social psychology, economics with affinity to sociological problems and sociological approach mentioned below;
  • Affinity with problem driven quantitative sociology;
  • Excellent track record in research;
  • Demonstrable teaching skills. Being able to teach in Dutch as well as English will be an asset. Candidates who do not speak Dutch will be requested to learn to speak Dutch as soon as possible such that also teaching in Dutch is possible after some time;
  • Have obtained the Basic Teaching Qualification (at Utrecht University or equal) or willing to achieve this qualification in the near future;
  • Both positions are open to any field of specialization, although expertise in the fields of work, families, or care will be an asset for one of the positions.
  • Experience with writing research proposals to obtain research grants is an asset;
  • Team player.


We offer for both positions a temporary full-time position for one year. After a positive evaluation the appointment will be extended until at most four years. Your salary will range from a minimum of €3,399 to a maximum of €5,288 per month based on a fulltime appointment (i.e. salary scale 11/12 according to the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities). In addition, we offer attractive and flexible secondary terms of employment such as an annual holiday pay of 8%, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% per year and partially paid parental leave. We also provide an attractive working environment and a vibrant research climate. For more information visit Working at Utrecht University.

About the organization

A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major societal themes. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability. The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences is one of the leading faculties in Europe providing research and academic teaching in cultural anthropology, educational sciences, interdisciplinary social science, pedagogical sciences, psychology, and sociology. Research and teaching activities are concentrated in five areas: Behaviour in Social Contexts; Child and Adolescent Studies; Cognitive and Clinical Psychology; Education and Learning; and Methodology and Statistics. More than 5,600 students are enrolled in a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programmes. The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has some 850 faculty and staff me mbers, all providing their individual contribution to the training and education of young talent and to the research into and finding solutions for scientific and societal issues.

Additional information

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from: prof. dr. ir. Vincent Buskens, telephone number: +31 30 253 1848, v.buskens@uu.nl or drs. Ellen Janssen, e.janssen@uu.nl.

Apply Please send your application accompanied by a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae and the names and contact info of at least two persons who are able to provide professional reference.

You can apply this link: http://ssl1.peoplexs.com/Peoplexs22/CandidatesPortalNoLogin/ApplicationForm.cfm?PortalID=4124&VacatureID=791657.

We expect job talks to take place between January 21 and January 28.

The application deadline is 11 January